
Seven years of Sinonim

The rainbow has seven basic colors. In Iran, cats have seven lives. In Japan, the seven gods bring fortune. Numerologists place much importance on the number seven as it denotes creation, representing the sum of the spiritual number three and the material number four.

Seven years ago, Igor Jurić, Mario Džido and Siniša Bućan set out to create a successful business story from the heart of the Croatian region Slavonia, with a vision for a company that will follow the best trends and use the latest technologies in the translation industry to serve as a reliable language service provider in Croatia and on the international markets.

Seven years later, thanks to unyielding enthusiasm, dedicated and hard work, commitment to professionalism in service level and client relations, Sinonim Translation Agency has achieved its vision and is proud to celebrate its seventh anniversary, continuing to develop and perfect in all the segments of its operations, always having in mind the demands of high-quality human translation.

Completing challenging projects within tight deadlines, irrespective of source industry and language pair and thanks to its associates, native target language speakers, Sinonim continues to fulfil its mission and expand its business network, always putting client satisfaction first. These are just some of the reasons we are celebrating our seventh anniversary of success.

Over 98% of satisfied clients and long-term partnerships are the best indicators of the quality of work at Sinonim and the company's continuous investment in client relations. Some of those are HP, Xerox, Valamar Riviera, Microsoft, FOX Networks Group and HBO.

Our team works with numerous renowned international companies who have recognized our approach, based on dedication, persistence and continuous improvement, as attested by the ISO 9001 quality management system and ISO 17100 translation services certification.

We also hold the Bisnode AAA certificate, which places us among the top companies in Croatia in terms of credit rating.

In addition to continuous advancements to our processes and technologies, a growing base of satisfied clients, the secret to Sinonim's success are its employees and associates as well.

Special attention is paid to organization culture.

The first to highlight the importance of this concept were Peters and Waterman in their 1972 book In Search of Excellence, their leading thought being: think of what your company should represent that would make your people proud. Then actively lead them toward that value system.

Igor, Siniša and Mario are proud of the people they work with, and the feeling is mutual.

In addition to their business skills, they enjoy music, books and sports, which makes them a good source of knowledge and trivia, as well as banter and quips to keep the good working atmosphere going in those rare cases when various snacks, treats, coffee and other beverages run out.

Whatever your source material may be – a contract, manual, brochure, website or press release – you can be sure it will be faithfully translated by Sinonim, a linguistic service provider covering any language pair you may need!

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