
Seeking freelance copywriter!

You can work out a few key words into a veritable novel?

And yet, you’re able to stem the verbal tide because you can’t stand Proustian sentences and you know that Yoast SEO traffic light can't stand them either?

Sinonim Translation Agency is looking for a person to write blogs about the translation industry and linguistics in Croatian and English.


  • Native-level fluency
  • High attention to details
  • Creativity
  • Punctuality

Proofread and factually accurate content is a must – we expect your blog to be ready to post with no further interventions!

If you are a logomaniac and a linguaphile who is familiar with the basics of digital marketing, send us your CV and examples of your work at posao@sinonim.hr by November 30, 2021.

Moglo bi vas zanimati
